Sunday, September 4, 2011

Where has the time gone...

I made a promise to keep this blog rolling and now I find myself months down the road with nothing posted.  I think FaceBook has replaced my blogging and that seems sad, but that is the place where most of my friends are found.

Nevertheless, this is still therapeutic and hopefully I will become more diligent about posting.

Several years ago, I decided to become a professional photographer and one of my first models was certainly a reason to continue to perfect my craft.  The very first shot I took of her became one my best ever shots.  This one, also, is in my top ten.

Over the years we have continued to work together and she always answers my request for a model so I may tests lights, sets, ideas, etc.   Never asks for anything in return and works her heart out.  I try to compensate, but truly, I get the better part of the deal when I have the privilege to document such a wonderful person.

I am working on an idea for Breast Cancer Awareness and wanted it to be effective for younger women.  Seems we tend to believe cancer is prejudice towards older women and the fact is, it is just plain ruthless.

So, Felicia and I shot this in an attempt to produce the ad:

You see, a younger woman may have to wear a more modern hairpiece or urbanesque  clothing to deal with the disease and treatment so I hope this would help deliver the message more eloquently than a pink ribbon.

Here are a couple more:

We'll have to wait for the final product, but I believe we will be able to produce something worthwhile.

And, while I had her in the studio, I wanted to finish some shots for her book.  That will be her gift for all of her hard work and she will be able to use it for future modeling opportunities.  

I wish her all the best as she continues her education and aspirations of becoming an actress.  Thank you, Felicia - you have really made my work fun.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mrs. Clark's Husband Owes Me Jewelry

Life is so surprising.  Who knew when I met this beautiful teenager she would one day be a colleague, inspiration, and dear friend.  We never dreamed we'd be working in the same industry even though we both had the same passion.

Yesterday I was privileged to document her beauty and hopefully help others see her courage, confidence, strength, and determination.  She's a young mother, about-to-graduate-college student, wife, and new business owner.  Whew!  Makes me tired just typing that! 

Her lovely smile, warm heart, and sweet personality makes her a joy to be around!


Monthly Style Inspirations

I love these ideas!  Sometimes we get stuck in what to wear and how to keep the family in the same area of color or complimentary colors so the composition will be more balanced.  I think this is helpful and will post updates.


Monday, March 7, 2011

It Should Never Stop!

I just finished another class and it was phenomenal.  For a small fee, I spent over seven hours with some of my industry's leaders.  Sandy Puc is probably the best known photographer guru that built her business from her kitchen to a 10,000+ sf studio with 40 employees.  Jerry Ghionis has been named one of the top five wedding photographers in the world.  And they, just like so many photographers, were excited to share some of their secrets and tools.  I am forever grateful.

Why?  Because today I am better than I was yesterday and extremely better than a year ago.  How?  I've pursued any and all the information I could, practiced what I've learned and hopefully, shared what has been beneficial.  There are no options if I want to be the best.
I remember in high school just dying to be a part of Future Teachers of America.  Man, that looked like so much fun and teaching had to be a really important career.  Photography was such a passion but my practicality, and limited knowledge, prevented me from pursuing it until I ran out of options.  Plus, I was told I was not "teacher" material.  I didn't have the grades and probably the talent.  How sad.  I will stand firm that "they" were wrong.  Here's why.

I may not of had the skills to repeat the academic course information that I was supposed to have learned.  Of course, that probably included studying - not memorizing - and believe me, that just didn't happen unless it was something I was super intrigued by.  No one understood I saw things differently.  Literally.  Sometimes, like majic, there would be a word that just didn't fit, but hey, I wasn't the author so I guess it meant that I wasn't smart enough to understand what the author was conveying.  Later, I discovered I have dyslexia or as we refer to it "aixelsyd".  

Through the years, when I was desperate to learn or understand something, I developed tools, tricks, and techniques to help me learn and man, have I been learning.

BTW: Where is the book for parenting?  I seem to have not received mine with my children.  Now,  I believe the Bible has excellent instructions for living one's life, but I needed specifics on potty training, entertaining a sick child, and when to loosen the reigns on a teenager.  I noticed there wasn't a day that I hadn't had the necessity to teach them something.  Wait!  I wasn't teacher material, right?  So how could I have taught them anything?  Hmmmmm.

Then there was that wonderful time as a Youth Minister and those lessons were vital.  Probably the only time some of them would ever hear how much God loved them and where to find answers to their questions.  Again, no book to tell me.  Yet, 56 students are still as important to me today as they were during the application lessons where earth, water, wind, and laughter brought home the message that life was messy, bountiful, refreshing, and entertaining.

I have studied - without anyone pushing - for the past year to be certified as a Professional Photographer (CPP).  Long before I saw the support forum I was doing everything I could to gain the confidence and respect to know my craft and be the best I could be.  Maybe not Ghionis or Puc big, but Kimla big.  

The first time I took the test, I missed by two points!  Crushing yet comforting.  I knew why I had failed.  I took my time, answered all the questions I was certain of and marked the ones that needed more thought. When I had gone through all 100, I started back on each one I had marked.  Finished with just over 20 minutes to spare.  I mean this was important.

As I walked up to the proctor, they reviewed my info and then came the devastation, "You didn't answer these three."  They were on the bottom of the left half of the answer sheet.  I quickly grabbed a new answer sheet and made a mad dash to "re-answer".  I had to review each question again, and reconcile the answer sheet.  Time ran out when I had 20 questions to go.  Turned it in and was grateful for the results that I missed by two!  This gave me the confidence to re-test and use a new technique to ensure I am answering correctly.  Dang "Aixelsyd".

I am not stupid.  Ignorant only because I haven't been exposed to all the information, but not stupid. That just cuts away at self-esteem.   Do all you can to know all you can about anything you do.  Whether it is parenting, a profession, or a passion.  Then, do what you can for who you can when you can.  I promise life will be so much sweeter.
We were experimenting with dramatic stobe lighting.  She's an actress and about to go to college to pursue her dream.
Here is a recent photo of a wonderful friend that I have been working with for the past year.

This is the first photo I ever took of her:
  "It's the pursuit that makes being better fun."
We used natural light only and Photoshop.  We both needed portfolio material.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

BLOG Spring Break Special!

Ahhhhh!!!!  Can you feel it?

Just for blog followers!  Spring Break is almost here and so are the Bluebonnets!  We are going to offer mini-sessions for the month of March!  We just love this time of year and feel like celebrating so be sure to book yours today since sessions and time are limited.

They do smell sweet!

The Spring Break Special includes prints, mini-accordians,  and one wardrobe style.  You can't pass this up - it really is a time worth remembering for years to come.  And it's only available through this blog!!

They just
bring out
the joy in
us. I have
had the privilege of seeing these gorgeous flowers every year of my life and have never been disappointed in the photos we've captured.  After all, the commercial says, "Everything's better with Bluebonnet on it!"

Friday, February 18, 2011

A New Year begins...

Wow!  Can hardly believe a new year is already started.  We've been busy reviewing last year's work in order to prepare for this year's work.

We focused on what separates us from others, so we worked on updating our logo, sites and, of course,  our press products.  We've found some exciting new products that are both gorgeous and unique.  We've enrolled in more continuing education, forums, and networking groups. 

What we've learned through this process is we are committed to offering you a wonderful experience.  We want you to know you are important and matter to us so we are developing our workflow centered on customer service being supreme.  

We are excited for new campaigns, products and becoming more involved in our community.  We want every Senior to have a portrait for graduation; we want every Woman to find her "beauty" - especially if trauma has hidden it; we want every important moment in Your life to be documented as a lifetime treasure; and we want to have a variety of options for purchase, display, and archiving.  

We will be offering wedding portraiture this year and that is really exciting to us.  In the past we've had to turn down offers because we just weren't ready and wouldn't take the risk of ruining that special event.

One young woman is pursuing her dream of becoming queen and we were honored to be a part of the process.  We did her initial interview where we do facial & physical studies; discover her interests and goals; and set the time-line.  We researched to see what others had presented and then designed the set and lighting to compliment her and her wardrobe,  selected poses that would meet the criteria yet be unique; and finally created art that she will have for years to come.

She's Already A Winner

Then...we had fun!!  She was so willing to try new things and her shining personality just made work so much fun.  

Yep - She has a Big Heart

Cowgirls R Keeewwwll

Sure hope you have as much fun as we do with our profession, and we look forward to the opportunities of this new year.  Let's rock it because we believe in "Keeping Light Interesting!"